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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Florida Healthy Babies

Florida Department of Health in Monroe County


Florida Healthy Babies is a collaborative statewide initiative to positively influence social determinants of health, while reducing disparities in infant mortality. This project engages the department’s 67 local health offices and numerous partners within each county to address disparities with evidence-based interventions. 

The Florida Healthy Babies Initiative engages Florida’s 67 county health departments as well as other public and private sector partners to identify, evaluate, prioritize, and address health disparities.

This Initiative represents the collective strength of these partners working together to improve the health and well-being of all Floridians. 

In Monroe County, current efforts are focused on increasing outreach, breastfeeding initiation, and prenatal screenings.

For more information, call Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition at 305-293-8424 or email


Breastfeeding Offers Benefits for both Mom and Baby. 

Consultations available to those who qualify.

Exclusively breasftfeeding (breastmilk only and no formula) for the first six months of life has amazing benefits.  Breastmilk alone is best for optimal growth.  When mom needs to go back to work/school, continuing to breastfeed is doable.  WIC and Healthy Start both have pumps for mothers to borrow along with lots of support!


Lower Keys Medical Center also has International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs).  Anyone who gives birth at LKMC has access to the consultant at no cost for 14 days after birth- in person and virtual. 

Other Resources:
Coordinated Intake and Referral is a centralized community intake point from which pregnant women and infants can be referred to a variety of community partners and services to help families in accessing needed assistance.   Primary referrals are made from the Prenatal and Infant Screenings conducted by Obstetricians at a pregnant woman’s first medical appointment for her pregnancy or at the hospital as part of the birth registration process after a baby’s birth.  Individuals may self-refer at any time by phoning (305) 676-3841.
Healthy Start Program

Healthy Start is a free program that offers education, care coordination and other resources for pregnant women and babies under the age of three.  The goal of the program is to lower risk factors associated with preterm birth, low birth weight, infant mortality and poor developmental outcomes.  For assistance, phone (305) 676-3841. For more see Healthy Start. 

You can also visit our local Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition for other assistance to families at  Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition.


WIC Program

WIC is a special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children. Services offered include: nutrition assessments and counseling and breastfeeding support and counseling. For more information on the WIC program, visit WIC.

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement


Women’s Health

Various Women’s Health services are available through the Department of Health. To learn more about what services are offered, visit Women's Health.