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Health Department Appoints Fry As Administrator And Health Officer

January 19, 2023

Health Department Appoints Fry As Administrator And Health Officer 


January 19, 2023

Jennifer Lefelar, Public Information Officer
Florida Department of Health – Monroe County


(Monroe County, Fla) – The Florida Department of Health in Monroe County (DOH-Monroe) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Carla Fry, PhD, MSN, as its new Administrator and Health Officer.

Fry joined DOH-Monroe in December 2021 as Nursing Director. She was promoted to Assistant County Health Department Director in October 2022 when Mary Vanden Brook retired from the department after 13 years of service with DOH-Monroe.

“We are so pleased that the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners voted today at its regular meeting to approve a resolution supporting the appointment of Carla Fry as the Administrator of the Monroe County Health Department by the Surgeon General of the State of Florida,” said Bob Eadie, JD, Current Administrator and Health Officer, DOH-Monroe.

“Carla is very passionate about public health, and especially public health here in the Florida Keys,” Bob continued. “She is absolutely the perfect choice to lead DOH-Monroe into the future. The staff and clients of DOH-Monroe will benefit greatly from her experience and leadership skills.”

Carla Fry and Bob Eadie, DOH-Monroe

In a letter to The Honorable Craig Cates, State of Florida Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD wrote: “Dr. Fry has an excellent and diverse background in all aspects of public health and has demonstrated her ability as a skilled leader. I believe Dr. Fry will be an asset to the Florida Department of Health and Monroe County as their new health department director.”

Prior to joining DOH-Monroe, Dr. Fry was the Director of Nursing and Health Sciences at The College of the Florida Keys. She served as Director of Nursing in academic settings for 12 years with 20 years of supervisory experience in her career. Dr. Fry is a veteran that served in the U.S. Army for six years as an Army Medic and LPN. She received her PhD in Nursing with a minor in Public Health from the University of Florida in 2012 and her MSN in Nursing and Education in 2008 from Jacksonville University.

Fry’s first day in her new role will be in late February 2023.

Bob Eadie will be retiring from DOH-Monroe in March 2023 following 16 years of esteemed and dedicated service in the role of Administrator and Health Officer.


Attached Image #1 – Dr. Carla Fry, PhD, MSN, Incoming Administrator and Health Officer, DOH-Monroe
Attached Image #2 – Pictured from left to right, Dr. Carla Fry, PhD, MSN, Incoming Administrator and Health Officer, Bob Eadie, JD, Current Administrator and Health Officer and both of DOH-Monroe

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The Florida Department of Health, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at @HealthyFla. For more information, please visit

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